Working Groups

The EOSC CZ Working Groups form a key component and an open platform for the preparation and subsequent implementation of the EOSC in the Czech Republic. Their objective is to seek and find consensus within the Czech academic and research community regarding architectural, operational, metadata and other issues of the EOSC initiative implementation in the Czech Republic. The working groups also propose standards that will be binding for the implementation of the entire National Data Infrastructure (NDI). The gradual deployment of the working groups’ recommendations/standards into the production environment begun in 2023. The form and proceedings of the working groups of the EOSC initiative in the Czech Republic are governed by the Statute and Rules of Procedure for working groups of the EOSC initiative in the Czech Republic.

You can also get involved in the working groups’ activities. Simply sign up for a specific group below.

The importance of the working groups in a few bullet points

  • They facilitate collaboration between experts from different fields, bringing together their knowledge and experience as well. At the same time, they serve as a platform to discuss, collaborate and address specific issues related to the needs of research communities. Each working group focuses on a specific EOSC aspect (core services, sensitive data management, long-term data storage, sustainability, etc.).
  • They are characterised by their professional focus and include experts from academic and research institutions, industry, governmental bodies and other organisations.
  • They help define and formulate the EOSC strategy and contribute to the development of standards, guidelines, and best practices for EOSC.
  • Their work results in recommendations and concrete actions that can lead to the strengthening and development of EOSC.
  • Anyone can get involved in the implementation of the EOSC initiative in the Czech Republic through 12 open working groups.

The EOSC CZ Working Groups Are Divided into Two Categories:

  1. Core (cross-cutting) working groups
    They aim to find consensus over a common ground, architecture and shared services across the National Data Infrastructure (NDI). Therefore, experts across disciplines and specialisations are represented in these groups.

  2. Thematic (discipline) working groups
    Their main objective is to find a consensus on the needs, the integration of the thematic architecture into the common environment, and specific services of the thematic (discipline) clusters of the National Data Infrastructure (NDI). They comprise mainly experts from the given discipline units that represent so-called “thematic (discipline) clusters”.

The Four Core (Cross-Cutting) Working Groups

One of the main pillars of the EOSC implementation in the Czech Republic is the establishment of the National Repository Platform for scientific data. It is to serve as one of the core elements of the infrastructure for scientific data in the Czech Republic, together with an environment for storing unstructured data, a computing environment and an environment for collaboration.

Following the workshop from 23 September 2021 on the implementation of the EOSC initiative in the Czech Republic, four core (cross-cutting) groups involved in the development of the platform were established and started working at the end of the same year:

Eight Thematic (Discipline) Working Groups

Together with the expert working groups, so-called discipline (now thematic) working groups were gradually organised. Since the spring of 2022, the following thematic working groups and one expert working group focusing on the specific needs of working with sensitive data have been established:

Information for members of the working group

The document repository serves as a central hub for collaboration among workgroups. Here, you can share, store and manage shared materials. Each workgroup has its folder in the document repository and an assigned MS Teams channel. Access to this repository is granted upon successful registration with the workgroup.

Access to the document repository of the working group management is limited. If you have been denied access, even though you are one of the WG leaders (WG leaders, their representatives and others), don't hesitate to contact the EOSC CZ Secretariat (


To enhance the cooperation among EOSC CZ working group members, we launched a new document repository on Friday, 10 November, 2023. It facilitates more accessible entry through your existing Microsoft user accounts. Guest account login from MU is no longer a requirement. The former repository has been archived, now in a read-only state, and it will be cancelled at a later date. All documents are now accessible and editable for workgroup members in the updated repository.

For access, registration or re-registration to the new system is mandatory.

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