We develop an environment for research data storage that fulfills current requirements for responsible science.

The implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the Czech Republic aims to create a national node of this European initiative and promote good practice in research data management across scientific communities. The implementation of National Data Infrastructures (NDI) will create a common platform for sharing, managing, accessing data and computing resources for research purposes. NDI will support both scientific and multidisciplinary research activities. It will cover a wide range of scientific fields and disciplines.

Key Elements of the Implementation

  1. EOSC CZ Working Groups (EOSC CZ WG)
  2. EOSC CZ Secretariat
  3. National Metadata Directory (NMD)
  4. EOSC CZ Training Centre
  5. National Repository Platform (NRP)
  6. Interconnecting the existing thematic/disciplinary data repositories into a common National Data Infrastructure (NDI)
  7. Human resources or upskilling of academic and research institutions that are gradually introducing research data management

Getting Involved in the EOSC Initiative in the Czech Republic

Anyone can get involved in the implementation of the EOSC Initiative in the Czech Republic through the 12 open working groups. The EOSC CZ Working Groups (EOSC CZ WG) are of great importance because they facilitate collaboration between experts from different fields and disciplines with diverse experience and knowledge in research data management and specific fields. EOSC CZ WG serve as a platform to discuss, collaborate and address specific issues related to the needs of research communities. Each working group focuses on a specific aspect of the EOSC implementation in the Czech Republic, such as core services, sensitive data management, long-term data storage, sustainability, etc.



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