June 2024
19 Jun 2024, 15:09  |  Čeština

Dear open science enthusiasts,

Summer is just around the corner, bringing with it the long-awaited holidays and vacations. Before you embark on new adventures and relaxation, read about the exciting developments in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative.

In recent weeks, several events took place where terms like open science and FAIR data were frequently discussed. One such event was the General Assembly of the EOSC Association, which focused on the future direction and strategies of the EOSC initiative. In the June newsletter, we also report on a meeting with representatives from the Open Science Center at Palacký University in Olomouc, which helped introduce the EOSC CZ initiative and supported collaboration.

Our newsletter also looks back at the HPCSE 2024 conference, where our colleagues presented the plans of the EOSC CZ initiative to attending scientists and experts. This time, we interviewed a personality outside the academic sphere, Roman Čampula from the Transport Research Centre, who processes traffic data. Regarding training, in the June newsletter, we look back at the past event and offer you a recording of the previous training session.

The EOSC Symposium is approaching rapidly, so don't forget to register, and at the end, find out more about research infrastructures in a changing world.

Have a great summer, and enjoy your reading!

The EOSC CZ initiative team


EOSC Association General Assembly: Strategy and future direction

The 8th General Assembly of the EOSC Association took place on 27 and 28 May in Leuven, Belgium. The EOSC Association's Board members and secretariat welcomed nearly 180 delegates and guests, including representatives of the Czech EOSC CZ initiative. The primary focus of the annual meeting was the discussion on the establishment of the EOSC Federation and the future governance structure post 2027.



EOSC CZ Networking: Meeting at Palacký University in Olomouc

The first meeting between representatives of the EOSC CZ initiative and researchers from the Open Science Centre at Palacký University took place on 14 June. The event aimed to introduce the EOSC CZ initiative, support collaboration, raise awareness about opportunities, and ascertain whether researchers have all the necessary information regarding the implementation of EOSC CZ within the Czech scientific community.



EOSC CZ initiative presented to experts at the HPCSE 2024 conference

The High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering conference took place during the 4th week of May and welcomed 85 experts to the beautiful surroundings of the Beskydy Mountains. Among the attendees were Kateřina Slaninová and Kateřina Martinovičová, who introduced the EOSC CZ initiative and its future plans to the conference participants.



If data were available for researchers to build on where others left off, that would certainly be the right path

Roman Čampula works at the Transport Research Centre as the head of the department of traffic behaviour analysis and modelling. He welcomes the EOSC CZ initiative and envisions that every research project could end with data being stored in a large national database. In our interview, you will find out his thoughts on the future and whether he works with open data.



Our training and other open science events

Summer is just around the corner, and even our trainers need to rest and recharge, so we are not planning any new training sessions during the summer months. In this issue, we will highlight our previous training session. If you missed our training in the past or want to see it again, check out the recording. You will find plenty of useful information that will help you continue learning even during your summer break.


Galaxy Community Conference 2024

The Galaxy Community Conference is an annual event focused on the use and development of the Galaxy platform for data-intensive biomedical research. The conference brings together scientists, software developers, and Galaxy trainers from various disciplines to share their experiences, knowledge, and skills. This year, the event will take place from 24 to 29 June in Brno.



Are you interested in building the EOSC Federation?

The EOSC Association will hold two webinars in June to explain the purpose of the questionnaire for parties interested in contributing to the building of the EOSC Federation and provide guidance on how to complete it. Register to attend the first webinar, which will take place on 19 June from 3 to 4 PM.


Where to start with FAIRification of sensitive data?

On 25 June, a workshop focused on the implementation of FAIR data will provide a general overview of data sensitivity in relation to sharing and reuse. The workshop will feature presentations on aspects of sensitive data in various research areas, with a focus on persistent identifiers and handling sensitive data.



Register for the EOSC Symposium 2024!

The main event in European scientific research, the EOSC Symposium 2024, will take place from 21 to 23 October in Berlin. It is a key event for networking and exchanging ideas with policymakers, funders, and representatives of research institutions, research communities, and data and e-infrastructures active in the EOSC ecosystem. Check out the program and register now!



OSCARS project applications submitted

The deadline for the first open call for project submissions in the field of open science for the international OSCARS project was 15 May. A total of 264 proposals were submitted from 33 countries and 226 organisations, with 70 percent coming from EU countries. This call has over 13 million EUR available. Find out what will happen next.


Research infrastructures in a changing world

The conference "Research Infrastructures in a Changing Global, Environmental, and Socioeconomic Context" took place on 4 and 5 June at the Belgian Royal Library in Brussels. The event focused on three key issues: the role of research infrastructures in a changing world, the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of research infrastructures, and the broader ecosystems involving research infrastructures. Learn more!


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